Fire Doors Rite- What We Do

29th June 2016 | Company News Fire Doors Rite- What We Do

Fire Doors Rite- What We Do

Here at Fire Doors Rite we specialise in everything Fire Doors, from the inspection to the installation. This Blog is going to give an overview of each step.

Fire Door Inspection

First of all, we will carry out an inspection on your fire doors, this simply means we will check all your fire doors to ensure they are safe, compliant and fit for purpose. We will then carry out up to a total of 34 industry specific fire door checks on each and every fire door. From this, we will then provide you with a list of failures & remedial works that need to be made to bring the fire door up to the BM Trada Q Mark Fire Door Certification, along with pictures so you can see for yourself the potential hazards.

Fire Door Maintenance

Our maintenance service provides you with on-going regulation compliance, which will give you peace at mind. According to the Regulatory Reform Order, fire doors are required to be maintained in an efficient state, working order and in good repair. Failure to comply with these regulations could lead to expensive fines and in some cases, imprisonment. Fire Doors Rite sets its self apart from other competition as we have bespoke software that alerts our customers of their next maintenance of fire doors, this way the customer can achieve their duty of care under the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order.

Fire Door Installation

Finally, when it comes to Fire Door installation, our services enables each of our clients to have a full comprehensive installation certificate of 10 identifiable points along with full tests and data sheets of all materials used which is like an Operations & Maintenance Manual (Regulation 38). Our installation service is certified under the BM Trada Q Mark Fire Door Installation Scheme.

Why Choose Fire Doors Rite
Why should you choose us? We will not only provide you with peace at mind, but we will also save you money in the long run. This is because any future inspections will already have most points carried out and covered during the install.

You can take a look at our website for more information;