Fire Stopping & Compartmentation

12th June 2018 | Fire Stopping & Compartmentation Fire Stopping & Compartmentation

Fire Stopping & Compartmentation

Compartmentation & Fire stopping is a fire protection system made of various components used to seal openings and joints in fire-resistance rated wall and/or floor assemblies to prevent the spread of fire & if there is a stay put policy, the area you are in is safe and can protect you. Fire stopping is designed to restore the fire-resistance ratings of wall and/or floor assemblies by impeding the spread of fire by filling the openings with fire-resistant materials. Unprotected openings in fire separations cancel out the fire-resistance ratings of the fire separations, allowing the spread of fire, usually past the limits of the fire safety plan of a building.


Fire stopping components include Intumescent Pastes & Sealants, cementitious mortars, silicone, fire stopping pillows, mineral fibers, and rubber compounds.


Fire stopping should be maintained in accordance with the listing, approval use, and compliance. Construction documentation sometimes includes an inventory of all fire stopping in a building, with drawings indicating location and the certification listings of each fire stopping. Using this, a building owner can meet the requirements of the RRFSO 2005 (Regulatory Fire Safety Order 2005) related to fire safety products and barriers during the period of building occupation. Otherwise, improper repairs may result, which would violate the RRFSO 2005 and could allow a fire to travel between areas intended to be separated during a fire event.

Why Choose Fire Doors Rite For your Passive Fire Protection?

We undertake a full site inspection audit to check the correct compartmentation is installed, any penetrations are adequately sealed and protected via our BM Trada Q Mark Fire Stopping Certification and bespoke inspecting software,that will show photos and defect information found. Having the correct Fire Compartmentation carried out and checked by Fire Doors Rite will ensure any cavity fire barriers, voids above suspended or false ceilings, cable & pipe penetrations are correct and comply with BS 476 Part 24 for Fire Stopping & BS9999 for Fire Compartmentation.