What Should Be On A Fire Action Notice?

17th June 2020 | Fire Doors What Should Be On A Fire Action Notice?

What Should Be On A Fire Action Notice?

It is a legal requirement of the designated responsible person in a building to inform all occupants, whether they are staff or visitors, of the fire safety instructions. Fire Action Notices are a recognised and widely used method to comply with these legislative requirements.

Fire Action Notices are an important part of fire safety measures and usually contain simple clear instructions to the occupants of a building on what they should do in the event of a fire.

If you are the designated responsible person of a commercial building then the use of Fire Action Notices to advise staff and visitors on the actions that need to be taken do fall under the standard of Best Practice Guidelines. You should ensure that appropriate Notices are displayed in suitable locations throughout the building.

What Do Fire Action Notices Look Like?

Fire Action Notices will often be in white, blue, red, and green. The red areas of the notice usually tell people what they must not do, the green or blue parts advise on what people should do in the event of an emergency. The directions on the notices are usually simple and clear and may often be accompanied by icons which illustrate the meaning of the written instructions.

These notices often contain directions to the nearest fire point or may be stationed at fire points. The notice will often direct people to follow fire door signs to their nearest exit. Usually the signs will have instructions on contacting the Emergency Services and will advise people not to return to the building until they are instructed to do so.

Common examples of phrases found on a Fire Action Notice include:

• Operate the nearest fire alarm

• Leave the building via the nearest fire exit

• Do not use lifts/ elevators, use the stairs

• Call the emergency services

• Do not return to the building until instructed to do so

• Report to your nearest/ designated fire assembly point.

Your Responsibilities As A Designated Responsible Person

Fire safety regulations can be complex and confusing but they are legally enforceable and must be taken seriously. If, as a designated responsible person, you are unsure as to the fire precautions that need to be taken in your premises, it is important to investigate.

There are many services that will be able to help you should you need assistance: from a fire safety consultant to advice on risk management and the placement of fire safety notices, to a fire door manufacturer that can advise on the situation and integrity of the doors you need as well as the placement of fire door signs around your premises.