The essential facts about fire doors & PAS 24

3rd April 2017 | Fire Door Inspection The essential facts about fire doors & PAS 24

The essential facts about fire doors & PAS 24

Doors being doors, not only do you want them to open and close, and, in the case of fire doors, prevent (or at least delay) the spread of fire and smoke, you might also want to look through them while they’re closed (in a laboratory, to take one of numerous examples).
This being the case, you won’t want their fire resistant properties to be diminished, which is where glazed fire doors come in.

We’ll begin by reminding ourselves about PAS 24.

PAS 24 is an enhanced security standard that can assess whether a door set can withstand a series of measured manual and mechanical tests to deter the opportunistic intruder. PAS 24 is recognised by Secured by Design. Secured by Design is an official UK Police initiative which aims to reduce burglary and crime by better design solutions.

You can effectively work on the premise that PAS 24 gives you a guarantee that the door meets minimum standards, and furthermore that compliance to these standards has been independently audited.

The standard relates to:

Enhanced security performance requirements for door sets and windows in the UK. External door sets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk and the specific and the relevant material specific standard for general performance referenced in BS 6375 Parts 1, 2 and 3. Note that PAS 24 is a minimum standard, in common with most British Standards. In other words the least you can expect is compliance.