Why Its Important Your Fire Door is the Right Size
A Fire Door needs to be the correct size as it was manufactured & tested, otherwise the Fire Door will not react as tested in the event of a fire.
When you’re considering fire door sizes, there are several reasons why it’s important to ensure that you get it right:
1. Perhaps most importantly, if the fire door isn’t fitted correctly then it won’t function correctly – it won’t fulfil its primary function of preventing (or, at least, slowing down) the spread of fire and smoke.
2. Furthermore – and a related point – it won’t be primarily effective as a straight forward fire door i.e. it may not close properly, thus reducing its insulating properties and increasing the security risk.
3. You also need to consider who and what will be passing through the door, and be very mindful of any regulations (which we’ve covered many times). Hospital trolleys, wheelchairs, young children, the partially sighted etc. – they all need consideration when it comes to fire door sizes (and their opening mechanisms).
Trusted fire door installation, maintenance and service for Commercial, Industrial, The Government & The MOD.