A ‘MAJOR programme’ of fire protection works totalling £3.7m has been expanded, covering three hospitals.
Skegness Standard reported on the fire protection works at County Hospital in Louth, John Coupland Hospital in Gainsborough and Skegness Hospital, which began last year and are expected to conclude in the summer. The works were expanded to ‘include extra improvements to enhance the patient environment’, with ‘essential’ work undertaken since last year at all three and ‘well underway’.
NHS Property Services (NHSPS) owns the hospitals, and alongside Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) – which provides care – is taking the ‘opportunity to deliver an extra package of building improvements at the same time’. The fire safety work already completed includes fire alarm system and signage improvements, alongside widening fire doors, installing new fire doors, improved emergency lighting and enhanced fire compartmentation.
In addition, further firestopping improvements and remodelling of ward layout has been undertaken, while the building improvements include replacing windows, sills and boilers as well as upgrading plumbing systems, roof and guttering repairs, some redecoration and flooring and building fabric repairs.
Sean Perry, principal construction manager for the East at NHSPS, stated: ‘We are making the most of having contractors on site to invest in further improvements at the hospitals which will improve the environment for patients. We’d like to thank the local NHS teams and patients at the hospitals for their help and understanding during the work programme.’
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